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lecturer in the making. trying to be 10 years older but end up being 10 years younger!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ceritera itu

Unfortunately, the day after our marriage was not a 'fertile' day i would say. i just had my period  3 weeks before my marriage.  So, boleh paham la fertilization tak akan berlaku. Only if Allah will. Dah beritahu husband, tapi husband kata,

"Mana tahu Allah izin.."

betul jugak tu kan?

So, i should have my period at the end of that month, but nothing. Sehari, dua hari, tiga hari. Diri ni dah panik bercampur happy. Tapi.. "Takkan la..." dok bisik kat diri hari hari. Genap seminggu lewat. Whatsapp kawan kawan, tanya mereka adakah normal untuk mereka miss period after kahwin. 2, 3 orang kata "yes.. memang period lambat. Tapi period lambat je. Tak pregnant pun". Maka saya pun macam, "Oh.. normal lah macam ni"

Tapi the 'tak sabar dan gelojoh tak reti bahasa' me ni melampau tak tahan bermain dengan hati pergi beli UPT. Check, and result negative! Memang patut pun negative kan? So, tenang balik. masih menunggu. Dan tunggu. Masih belum period. Tanda period pun takde.

Di takdirkan menghadirkan diri ke kursus di genting Highland. Semasa kursus, juga masih belum period. Tertanya tanya dalam diri. "Apsal lambat sangat period? sakit ke?" Akhirnya saya beli sekali lagi UPT dekat 7E berdekatan. Dan result sekali lagi negative!

Tahu tahu, keesokkan harinya saya period. So, there's go my bunting pelamin hopes. Haha nak buat macam mana kan. Dah tarikh kawin tarikh tak subur.

So, for the second month, we are still trying. Masih ada seminggu before period start. Tapi debar saya macam dah seminggu tak datang period. Hmm what if ... my period did come and i will have MAJOR heart break...!

So let us just pray and hope for the best..

Perasaan? Entah, rasa debar je pun. Maybe debar yang biasa. Tak tahu lah. Tiada rasa loya atau cramp perut atau apa apa tanda orang pregnant. i started to lose hope. Entah, masih belum terasa. Atau sebenarnya takde isi pun.


Haha got my period for the second time in our marriage and i was crying like it is the end of the world! 

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